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The Mosaics of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

One of the most intriguing and inspiring places on planet earth is La Sagrada Familia. It began as the crowning achievement of Antoni Gaudi, but in the 120 or so years since its construction began, the hearts, minds and hands of many other people have contributed to this feat of design, architecture, engineering, sculpture, and of course mosaic art.

The size of the building makes its enormous mosaics seem small. In the next 5 images you will get a sense of their size and be amazed at their locations.

This view is the eastern facade. Atop the four tallest spires are mosaics. On their left and lower are three more. The next image (captured in daylight) shows the counterparts of these mosaics that are on the west side of the church.

The mosaics on the four tallest spires begin about 400 feet above the street. The spires represent eight of the apostles.

Notice about half way up between the center spires is a bridge. The seemingly tiny figure in the center of the bridge is an ascending Christ. Remember its location as a reference point when you see a close up of the mosaics that are on either side of the bridge.

To the right of the tallest spires are two lower levels of spires. Each are topped with mosaics representing the communion elements, sheaves of wheat and chalices with grapes.

In the next images you will see closer views of these mosaics.

These are the mosaics on the tallest spires. Their tops are more than 500 feet above the street. The spires are representative of Apostles.

On the top row of these spires the left is wheat. The other visible spires are grapes. The next page will give you a closer view.

There is a row of spires on a higher level, and all are replicated on the east side of the building.

The word "Sanctus" is repeated and is a ceramic tile mosaic.

1 comment

  • I have a life long dream to see this in person. Thank you for this.


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