Mosaics of Saint Romain en Gal - The Dig

An entire Roman city on the left and right banks of the Rhone River in France was discovered and this image shows part of a wall that was left standing since around the 1st century BC. This archaeological site has been acquired, restored and renovated for visitors to "walk among the ruins." I have walked it and it is worth every minute you can spare!

The Mosaic of Hylas and the Nymphs, discovered in 1902, is believed to have been in a luxurious villa. Other mosaics were uncovered there also. This scene depicts Hylas with the Nymphs luring him under water. This mosaic was restored in 1906.

Around the 1st Century BC, this Roman city was developed and grew due to the importance of the Rhone Valley. There were a lot of wealthy people that lived here and enjoyed the finer things in life. Their pathways were made of granite and highly decorated.

There were many baths in the community where people would go to exercise, see friends, relax and some even had libraries in them. Highly decorated in exquisite mosaics, these baths were a way of life for the wealthy.

It is believed from the excavations that these wealthy inhabitants also enjoyed extensive vineyards and gardens. Several different kinds of plants have been discovered which would be found in aromatic gardens. There have also been more than 300 grape vines in 15 different varieties discovered to be among the oldest in France.